Thursday, January 24, 2008

Major Events of 1812

In June of 1812, the Americans declared war on the British. At the time, General Isaac Brock was the military commander for the British. He had the difficult job of defending Canada. Brock had just 5000 regular British troops. They 19,000 km of boarder to guard. Being as Britain was already at war with France...Brock had no hope of getting any help. Most of the 100,000 people in Upper Canada were American immigrants, Brock could not trust them to help him.
Despite how small his army was and the amount of land they had to cover, Brock had many victories. At Fort Mackinac, located between, Lake Huron and Lake Michigan, Brock did a surprise attack on the Americans. His troops captured the fort. From 1796 - 1812, Fort Mackinac had been in possession of the U.S.

Fort Detroit

General Brock was accompanied by Tecumseh and his followers as they attacked Fort Detroit. Before the battle Brock, sent General Isaac Hull, who was the American general at Fort Detroit, a message that said, 'his Aboriginal allies would be beyond his control the moment they began the battle.' The Americans were scared of Tecumseh and his followers. After about 2 hours of battling the Americans surrendered. There were no casualties, and about 2200 prisoners. Later after the battle, Brock and Tecumseh rode on their horses through the ruined Fort Detroit. Brock had realized that a lot of the victory he owed to Tecumseh, and gave Tecumseh his red sash from his uniform and wrapped it around his shoulders. In return, Tecumseh gave Brock his arrow-patterned belt around his waist. Until he died at The Battle of Queenston Heights, General Isaac Brock wore this belt.

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