Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Four Main Reasons for the War of 1812

In June of 1812, the Americans declared war on the British. There were four main reasons for the War of 1812.

1. Trade Barriers

At the time, Britain and France were fighting. The Americans were trapped in the middle of the fight. France and Britain were at war since 1793. The United States wished to be able to trade freely with any country of choice but this wasn't possible at the time. Both the British and the French threatened to stop and snatch the goods that was carried on any ship that was sailing in the into the eniemies country. Being as the British had a very powerful navy, they enforced the warning and had stopped almost twice the amount of American ships than the French. The Americans were not pleased about this.

2. British Stop-and-Search Tactics

Not only were the British stopping the American ships because of the threat...they were also stopping and searching the American ships for British runaway sailors that were supposed to have been hiding in the American ships. Of coarse some sailors did flee the navy because of bad food, and low wages. The Americans were offended that the British were stopping their ships. Once again...the Americans were not pleased.

3. Britain's Aboriginal Allies

In the U.S., there were some American fronteirsmen,who were also known as War Hawks wanted war between the British and themselves. The War Hawks came from around the Appalachian Mountains. The American War Hawks believed that the British in what is now Canada, were supplying Techumseh, who was a Shawnee Cheif, with guns, and other supplies. The American frontier settlements were being attacked and the Americans blammed the Natives for the attacks.

4. The American War Hawks

The American War Hawks wanted the war, because they thought that it was time to get pay back on Britian. They thought that they had been offended one to many times by the Stop-and-Search Tactics that the British Navy had done. They were certain that the British were telling Tecumseh to attack the Americans. However, not all of the American War Hawks wanted the war. The Americans thought that taking over what is now Canada, and defeating the British that lived there would be just a 'mere matter of marching'.

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